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Trust Issues: Signs, Causes & How To Heal

Trust is one of the key building blocks of any relationship, but it can be easily broken. Whether it's a romantic relationship, friendship, or professional partnership, trust issues can arise for various reasons. Often, these trust issues can cause emotional pain and may even lead to broken relationships. 

If you are experiencing trust issues or know someone going through them, it's essential to understand the signs and causes to address them effectively. In this article, we will explore the common signs and causes of trust issues, how they can impact your relationships, and some practical ways to heal them.

What are trust issues?

Trust issues refer to one's inability to rely on or have confidence in someone or something. It may stem from past experiences of betrayal or lack of trust, be it from past romantic relationships or other individual interactions. To build trust in a relationship, it is important to talk about trust issues and have open and honest communication

If lost, trust may be able to be regained with consistent actions and reinforcement of commitments. Trust enables individuals to feel secure in their relationships, creating space for openness and intimacy. To trust someone means to have faith and confidence in their character, behaviors, and actions.

Trust issues can be incredibly harmful in many areas of your life. When you struggle with trust issues, it can be difficult to trust others in a variety of situations, including personal and professional relationships. Trust issues can lead to anxiety, paranoia, and a constant feeling of unease that can be difficult to shake.

This can also lead to a lack of intimacy and vulnerability in romantic relationships, as it can be hard to fully trust and open up to someone when you have issues with trust. Trust issues can also make it difficult to form new relationships or maintain existing ones, causing you to feel isolated and alone. It's essential to work through trust issues to avoid these harmful consequences and lead a fulfilling life.

What are the signs of trust issues?

Recognizing these signs of trust issues and acknowledging the root cause can be the first step in finding a way to deal with trust issues and establish healthier relationships:

  • Lack of trust in others, including those closest to you
  • Being overly cautious with personal information
  • Feeling uncomfortable sharing emotions
  • Being vulnerable
  • Being suspicious of small or minor things
  • Having difficulty maintaining friendships or relationships
  • Constantly questioning others' motives

What causes trust issues?

People's trust issues often follow them into new relationships, making it hard for them to get close to other people. A lack of trust can hurt both personal and professional relationships, so it's important to determine the cause of the issue. Trust issues can be caused by many things, such as:

Past experiences

Past experiences, particularly in childhood, can have a significant impact on our ability to trust others. If a person has been let down or betrayed by someone they trusted during their formative years, it can create a deep-seated fear of vulnerability and an inherent feeling that people cannot be trusted. Childhood traumas — such as parental neglect or abuse — can create negative beliefs about trust, and these feelings can carry over into adulthood.

For example, if a child has had a parent who was emotionally unavailable or absent, they may grow up feeling as though they cannot rely on anyone to provide the care and attention they need. This mistrust can also manifest as difficulty in forming close relationships or difficulty relying on others for support.


Betrayal can be a devastating experience, leaving one feeling helpless and questioning their relationships with those around them. Whether it's a romantic partner cheating or a friend gossiping behind your back, betrayal can shake the foundation of trust that is necessary for any relationship to function healthily. The emotional pain and feelings of rejection that come with being betrayed can make it difficult to let others in, as you may fear that the same hurtful experience may happen again.

Repeated negative experiences

Trust involves relying on others to fulfill certain expectations or obligations, but when those expectations are not met repeatedly, it can lead to feelings of betrayal, disappointment, and anxiety. For example, if someone repeatedly has the experience of sharing a secret with a friend who then betrays their trust and shares the secret with others, this can cause the individual to become reluctant to share secrets with anyone else. Similarly, if someone experiences repeated instances of infidelity in relationships, they may struggle to trust future partners.

One's personality type

One's personality type can play a role in the way people trust others. For example, people who naturally lean towards skepticism may have a harder time trusting others. This is because skeptics tend to question everything around them and often look for evidence to back up claims before they accept them. 

While this trait can be beneficial in certain contexts, it can also cause trust issues if they are overly skeptical. A skeptic who questions the intentions of others all the time may find it difficult to form meaningful relationships built on trust. It is important for individuals to understand their own personalities and how they affect their relationships with others.

How do I fix my trust issues?

To fix trust issues, you need to take the time and energy to work through them. At the end of the day, it's about being willing to address the issue head-on, working through it, and being open to building trust in oneself and others. 

The following  can help you develop coping mechanisms and strategies to address and overcome trust issues:

  • Recognize patterns in relationships that lead to your negative experiences
  • Identify the root cause of the trust issue
  • Learn how to communicate in a healthy and effective way
  • Seek support from a trusted professional, like a therapist or counselor

How therapy can help with trust issues?

Therapy can help you work through these trust issues, and a trained therapist can provide you with the safe space, skills, and tools that you need to begin building trust in your relationship. A therapist experienced in individual or couples therapy can help you identify the root of your trust issue, teach you how to communicate effectively, and help you develop techniques to cope with any triggers that may arise.

It is possible to regain the ability to trust again. Click the button below to arrange a free initial consultation and get help restoring the emotional connection and trust in your relationships.


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