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Masculinity and Vulnerability: Redefining Strength in Men

Masculinity is often defined by traditional traits such as strength, dominance, and stoicism. However, in recent years, there has been a growing movement to redefine masculinity and to embrace vulnerability as a sign of strength.

Vulnerability is the willingness to be open and honest about your emotions, even when it is difficult. It is about showing your true self to others, even if it means risking being rejected or judged.

Too often vulnerability is often seen as an exclusively “feminine” trait, but it is actually essential for healthy masculinity. When men are able to be vulnerable, they are better able to connect with others, build strong relationships, and live more fulfilling lives. Let’s talk about what this looks like in practice:

Improved mental health 

Men who are able to be vulnerable are less likely to suffer from mental health problems such as depression and anxiety. This is because vulnerability allows men to connect with others and to express their emotions in a healthy way.

Stronger relationships 

Vulnerability is key to experiencing the emotional intimacy needed for men to build strong relationships with their partners, family, and friends. Vulnerability allows men to be more authentic and to connect with others on a deeper level.

More life fulfillment 

When men allow themselves to be vulnerable, they are more likely to live more fulfilling lives. This is because that vulnerability allows men to be more true to themselves, pursue their passions, and take positive risks.

How to embrace vulnerability

If you want to work on embracing vulnerability, here are some concrete steps you can take to get started: 

Start small 

If you are not used to being vulnerable, start small. Try sharing your emotions with a trusted friend or family member.


Admitting when you are wrong and taking accountability takes a lot of courage. It also can open the door to a renewed sense of trust and closeness with the person to whom you gave the apology.

Tell people you care about them 

The words “I love you” carry a lot of power. When a family member, friend, or partner is important to you, don’t allow there to be confusion or ambiguity about that fact. Take the risk of sharing your feelings out loud.

Let loved ones know when you are struggling 

This is particularly important if you’re used to pushing people away or acting out when you’re going through a difficult time (and maybe on some level expecting that those actions will do the work of communicating for you). The people who care about you will be okay with you crying and having a hard time, but they need YOU to tell them the truth about what’s going on.

Be patient

It takes time to learn to be vulnerable. Don't get discouraged if you don't see results immediately. Be patient and compassionate with yourself as you learn.

If you need help building your capacity to connect with your vulnerable side, a therapist can be a great resource to guide you through this process. Vulnerability can be scary but with the right approach can be a beautiful experience. At Salt River Therapy, we’re ready to help — click the link below to schedule a free consultation with one of our therapists. 


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