3 Minutes Read

How to Handle Therapy Plateaus 

Hitting a plateau in therapy is a common experience. You might notice it as a sense of being stuck and not moving forward with your growth and healing journey. Although therapy plateaus can be frustrating, it doesn't mean you have to give up on making progress. Let’s talk about how to face a therapy plateau head-on.

Communication is key

When you hit a therapy plateau, there are steps you can take to get through it. 

Talk to your therapist

The most important step is to have an open and honest conversation with your therapist. Let them know you feel stuck and discuss what might be contributing to it.

Explore underlying issues

Sometimes, plateaus occur because deeper issues haven't been fully explored yet. Talking openly can help unearth these and allow for more targeted therapy.

Reassess goals and approaches

It’s also worth checking in with where you’re going and how you plan to get there.

Review goals 

Have your goals changed since you started therapy? Discussing this with your therapist can help ensure you're working towards what matters most to you now.

Consider new approaches if the current approach isn't yielding results, your therapist might suggest trying a different technique or modality. There are many evidence-based approaches to therapy, so finding the right fit is crucial.


Sometimes what you need is to spend a little time on self-reflection.

Are you holding back? 

Sometimes, we might unconsciously resist change, even though we say we want it. Reflect on if there are any fears or hesitations holding you back from fully engaging in therapy.

Track your progress 

It's easy to lose sight of progress in the moment. Keeping a journal or using a progress tracker can help you recognize the subtle improvements you've made.

Add onto therapy

Especially during a plateau, supplementing therapy with other healthy, supportive behaviors can help.

Lifestyle changes

Therapy is just one piece of the puzzle. Consider if there are lifestyle changes you can make to support your mental health, like exercise, healthy eating, or getting enough sleep.

Support groups 

Connecting with others who share similar struggles can be a source of validation and encouragement. Support groups can offer a sense of community and additional tools to manage your challenges.

Keep in mind that progress in therapy isn't always linear — there will be ups and downs, and plateaus don't have to derail your progress. Remember also that progress doesn’t always take the form of “aha!” moments or sudden, massive breakthroughs. Acknowledge and celebrate even the small improvements you make — they add up to progress in the long run.

If you're feeling stuck in therapy, don't hesitate to speak up. By openly communicating with your therapist and exploring different approaches, you can get back on track toward achieving your goals. Our therapists at Salt River Therapy understand how important it is to have an open dialogue between therapists and clients — we’d love to tell you more about our approach! Schedule a free phone consultation with any of our amazing, qualified therapists using the button below. We’re here for you! 


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