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How to Find the Right Depression Therapist in New York

Depression is one of the most common mental health concerns in the United States. According to estimates, 21 million American adults experienced at least one major depressive episode in 2020. This figure equated to 8.4% of all American adults. 35.8% of adults in New York reported having anxiety or depressive symptoms in February 2021 and 20.2% of those adults were unable to receive the necessary therapy or counseling.

Depression is a common reaction to the stress of life's obligations. Left untreated, depression can lead to significant impairment in daily functioning and even to suicide. Everyone is deserving of kindness and the chance to lead a meaningful life. You are not alone if you feel depressed or hopeless. Fortunately, depression is highly treatable, and most people who receive treatment see a significant improvement in their symptoms. If you are struggling with depression and your emotions grow so strong that they interfere with your daily life and routines, it is important to seek help from a qualified therapist.

What is depression?

Being depressed is not the same as occasionally experiencing sadness. The two are very different, as anyone who has dealt with depression can attest. Extreme sadness, hopelessness, helplessness, and self-blame are all sentiments that depressed people experience. An individual suffering from a depressive condition is frequently unable to fulfill their commitments, and may also find it difficult to do their regular job duties.

Finding the cause of depression is important for both the client and the therapist since it will have a big impact on how therapy will be conducted. Sometimes a person's circumstances are beyond their control, while at other times they are the product of  poor decisions.

Common depression symptoms

Many people assume that depression is simply a persistent sadness, but in fact there are many different symptoms that can occur, including:

  • Anxiety
  • Loss of interest in once-enjoyed activities
  • Fearfulness
  • Having no hope
  • Recurring suicidal thoughts
  • Extreme exhaustion
  • Difficulty concentrating or remembering things
  • Excessive or problematic sleeping
  • Focusing on issues in life or mistakes from the past
  • Increased irritation
  • A sense of guilt
  • Abrupt anger
  • Sluggish body motions or speech
  • Alterations in appetite
  • Physical discomfort, such chronic headaches or back pain

Not everyone who has depression will exhibit the same symptoms and the above-mentioned symptoms can vary in severity from person to person. A person must have symptoms of depression for at least two weeks in a row to receive a formal diagnosis.

How can depression therapy work?

Being able to break out of depression entails doing things that can seem impossible when one is depressed. This is one of the biggest hurdles in depression therapy. When you feel apathetic and unmotivated, it takes a huge amount of determination to get moving.

During depression therapy, you will learn how to deal with your triggers, which are when depressive symptoms are at their worst. You'll learn how to become aware of how other people affect your emotions and attitude and what you can do about it. You will acquire methods for managing your depression throughout therapy. In order to reduce their influence on your behavior, you will learn to withdraw from negative ideas and treat them as information rather than unalterable realities. A pessimistic viewpoint is frequently connected to depression. 

Depressed people have a bias toward their own lives. They give attention to indicators that support those feelings over all other cues when they feel unlovable, worthless, or useless. This distorted viewpoint frequently intensifies negative emotions and prolongs despair. A significant step toward leading a healthier life is recognizing those blind spots where one’s view is darker than reality requires.

Depression therapists in New York City

In New York City, depression is highly prevalent. A 2020 study estimates that 16.8% of adults in New York have been diagnosed with depression, major depression, mild depression, or dysthymia by a medical expert, and that number has only increased due to the negative mental health impact of the covid-19 pandemic.

For people living in New York City or working hard to advance their careers and lacking time for sick days, depression symptoms are very common. Depression is frequently accompanied by sadness and apathy.  There are several other signs of depression that may be simpler to explain away or may go unnoticed by the depressed person. The public may not see the private despair or hopelessness of many successful people in NYC. Some individuals may be unaware that some physiological changes are actually signs of depression, or they might choose to ignore them.

Working with a depression therapist in New York is the most effective strategy to get over depression. Instead of having to fight depression on your own, a good therapist can help reduce its symptoms more quickly. Additionally, depression therapists can create a strategy to prevent depression or can assist in recognizing the early signs of depression, so you can stop it before it worsens. There is no reason for you to suffer when depression can be effectively treated.

As a Brooklyn-based LGBTQ-affirming psychotherapist providing individual therapy sessions, I provide therapy for adults in New York and New Jersey who are experiencing symptoms of depression. I help people get on the right path to recovery and feel better. If you suffer from any of the above symptoms, you might be a good candidate for depression therapy. Click the button below to schedule a free online therapy consultation.


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