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3 Minutes Read

Coping Strategies for Managing Screen Time

In today's digital age, screens are ubiquitous. While technology offers undeniable benefits, excessive screen time can negatively impact our well-being, leading to issues like sleep disruption, decreased focus, and feelings of isolation. Many people struggle to have a healthy relationship with screen time. Here are some of our favorite practical strategies to help achieve the right balance.

Be mindful

Start by tracking your screen time for a few days. Many devices offer built-in tracking features, or you can download monitoring apps. This awareness will build you a baseline understanding of your habits and help you start to identify areas for improvement. Reflect on why you opt for screen time at different times of day, or in specific circumstances. Do you check your phone when you’re out with your friend group instead of staying present to the group activity? Do you doomscroll on your laptop when you’re feeling down instead of facing your thoughts and emotions and dealing with them?

Set specific limits

Once you're aware of your usage patterns, establish clear boundaries for screen time throughout the day. Schedule designated periods for work, entertainment, and social media — and stick to them. Explore where there may be opportunity to harness technology’s tools to your benefit. Many devices offer features like downtime settings or website blockers to help you stay focused during certain time periods.

Create screen-free zones 

Think about what areas in your home might be better enjoyed through looking up from your screens. Many people designate spaces like bedrooms, the dinner table, or children’s play areas as technology-free zones. Stepping away from technology in these contexts promotes relaxation, deeper conversations, and quality time with loved ones. It is particularly beneficial to avoid screens for at least an hour before bedtime. The blue light emitted by electronic devices disrupts our circadian rhythms, which regulate our sleep patterns. Opt for relaxing activities like reading or meditation to wind down for a better night's sleep.

Embrace alternatives 

Find fulfilling activities for your free time that don't involve a screen. Pursue hobbies you've been neglecting, get out into nature, or connect with friends and family face-to-face. These activities can provide a sense of accomplishment, boost your mood, and strengthen social bonds. It is especially important to find alternatives to use in contexts that trigger the use of screen time. For example, if you’ve been checking your phone when you are out with your friend group as a way to manage social anxiety, practice deep breathing or other simple relaxation exercises to use when those circumstances arise. If you tend to doomscroll when you’re feeling down, identify more soothing activities to use in those moments, such as crafting or going for a walk.

Curate your feed

Not all screen time is created equal. Social media can be more addictive than browsing the web or playing games because it is designed to rope you into endlessly searching for that next piece of engaging content, chasing another dopamine hit. If you encounter content that is negative or upsetting while you scroll, your brain is ironically further incentivized to keep scrolling, hoping to find more dopamine and start feeling better again. Consider unfollowing accounts that make you feel bad about yourself, such as influencers who promote unhealthy beauty standards or celebrities who live lavishly and remind you of your struggles with your financial situation. Weave in more content that inspires, motivates, and uplifts you. If you use social media to follow discussions about important social issues or political topics, be vigilant in sticking to the limits you’ve set around only using screens at specific times and in specific places.

Sustaining change 

As you change your screen time habits, don't be discouraged by the occasional slip-ups that will inevitably happen. However, if you find yourself struggling to manage screen time despite your best efforts, consider seeking professional help. 

A therapist can provide personalized guidance and support to develop sustainable strategies for a more tech-balanced life. They can also help address any underlying issues that might be contributing to excessive screen time. Our team at Salt River Therapy is ready to support you. Click the link below and schedule a free phone consultation with any of our qualified therapists. You CAN reclaim control of your time and cultivate a healthier relationship with technology.


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